Q4 Ramp Up or Slow Down

Finally, Q4 of calendar year 2021 has arrived. This is thetime of year when most companies ramp up and try to finish the year strong. Ifyou are behind on your business/annual goals and objectives, you will find yourselfworking 50 to 60 hours a week to catch up. If you are ahead, you will stillfind yourself working 50+ hours a week to maintain or exceed your businessobjectives. Basically, for most corporation in Q4 employees are literally workingtheir butts off.

Here at Premier Partners and Community Services Managementour approach is just the opposite. We believe that it is extremely important tostart ramping down early in Q4. This allows us to rest, relax and spend qualitytime with family during the holidays. Allows us to Refocus and Re-energize, forpreparation for the next year. We want to ensure that your team(s) can hit theground running next year.

Hence, ensuring to they are ready to meet our aggressive Q1-Q3goals in 2022. Knowing that you have 30-60 days of vacation promised at the endof the year feels pretty dam good.  Whatbetter way to incentivize the team to meet and beat the aggressive goals andobjectives assigned during first 10 months of the year.  One good way to look at it, is if you’re workinga 4/10 shift. i.e. (10 hrs a day - 4 days a week). Flip it to a 12-monthcalendar year, call it a: 10/2 shift (ON 10 months - OFF 2 months annually)

Our Report Card during the first 3 Quarters of 2021 isoutstanding considering all the headwinds brought on by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Wewere impacted by supply chain opportunities like most small businesses. However,we have thus far exceeded all key business metrics, including, but not limited totripling “3X” our “Investment Property Appreciation Goals” and “Increasing bothour Brokerage and Tax client base by 25%”.

Our company assets are well position in the marketplace. Weare taking advantage the Stock Market record highs primarily from the Nasdaq,S&P 500 and blue-chip stock like Tesla, Apple, etc.

Most importantly thisyear we doubled the amount of volunteer work from the previous year, supportingveterans, Individual Families in need and other nonprofit organizations. Itsall about giving back to the communities that support us.

With that said, lets get our 2021 Sabbatical(s) started!!! Moreto come, Hope you enjoy the up-coming Videos and Photos.

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